
Luke Side Story Ch5 Part2

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Chapter 5 Part 2 - The Gentlemen

I took off my hat after Professor took off his.

I still can't believe all this happened, and I'm leaving the Professor soon…

Celes… I mean Claire told us that a gentleman is supposed to stay strong, no matter what. But… will staying strong mean that you won't shed a tear and keep all this feelings packed up?


I suddenly heard a thud, I turned my head to see where it came from, and there I saw the Professor on his knees, hugging his hat, and sobbing.

I didn't know what to do. I've never seen the Professor like this before.  But if someone finds out…

"Professor!" I rushed towards him, "Professor…"

I could see the tears from his eyes; it's obvious that he's incredibly hurt from this. But… what do I do?

"Professor!" I started trying to look into his eyes, "Don't worry Professor!" Don't worry? What am I saying? "Don't worry… I know that doing this in public isn't what a gentleman should do, but… that… that doesn't matter right now…"

I'm sure what I said must have shocked the Professor. I wanted to be a true gentleman, now I'm saying that being one doesn't matter right now?

"You can cry all you want, professor!" I said. I couldn't believe the words coming out from my mouth, "Don't worry I won't tell anyone, even if they forced me to."

I've seen a few people cry over their loss, and they were a great loss indeed. What am I saying to him then? I mean, I wanted the Prime Minister to pay for his crimes. He did a lot of selfish deeds for his own benefit. He made an innocent child into a criminal, killed 10 people, destroyed a few homes, and broke apart a couple who obviously love each other, that probably wanted to get married too. But…

I looked at Professor again who was still in a lot of pain. Everyone in London must be looking for him so they could congratulate him.

But if he stays in this state… then…

I stood up and said, "I'll be at your apartment, Professor! I'll bring Flora with me, too." Was I trying to be strong for the Professor?

There was no time for that.

I ran out of the alley and moved in a few circles to make sure if someone was watching me I wouldn't be found out where I came from. I didn't want anyone to see the Professor in such a state.

I got out and I saw a lot of people in the streets looking for the Professor. When they saw me, they began swarming me with questions. Asking where the professor was and parts about the incident.

I couldn't tell them. I just can't.

"Luke!" A familiar voice had called my name. "Luke!!!"

I quickly realized whose voice it was, "Flora!" I yelled out. I tried to get out of the crowd of people. Flora was quite shocked when she saw me with my hat off.

"Luke!" Flora said, "Why is your--"

I interrupted her, "There's no time Flora. We better go." We have to get away from this crowd as soon as possible. I grabbed Flora by her wrist and started to dash out from the crowd. I'll explain to Flora when I bring her get home.

More people tried to stop me again, they wanted answers. "Where is the Professor? How was he able to stop the fortress?" They were too many of them…

I… I… I can't tell…

"I'm sorry!" I apologized loudly at them. All of the sudden, everyone stopped speaking. "I'm sorry everyone!" I apologized again, "I can't tell you where the Professor is or answer any of your questions. Please don't bother us. I beg of you." I couldn't even look at them. I know it is ungentlemanly of what I am doing. But… being a gentleman doesn't matter right now. Besides, what would a gentleman do in this situation?

"Let's go Flora" I dragged her with me as I ran out of the crowd.

I didn't know if they were behind me. I took off without even looking back once.

"Luke! Why are we running?!" Flora kept on yelling at me to stop but I didn't listen to her. I continued to run while dragging her until we've reached Professor's apartment building.

I panted as we've reached the destination. Flora continued to yell at me, "Luke! What was that for?!" I squeezed her hand and rushed inside the building.

Inside, we were greeted by Rosa, the caretaker, "Luke! Flora! It is nice to see you both safe and sound." She hugged us both with a relieved sigh.

"Luke! Why did you take off your hat?" She was also surprised by this. I guess it is surprising to everyone that I took off my hat. Rosa asked us, "Where's the professor?" I can't tell her either.

"Umm… you see…" I'm trying to make up a lie, "The Professor is busy but he'll be back here soon" I feel really bad about lying to Rosa.

"Well he better be here soon." It seems Rosa believed me. "The weather report said that the snow will be intense tonight." Intense? "The weather these days, they're really unpredictable. Yesterday was sunny, now it's snowing…"

Rosa pointed to a lady who was watching TV, "Emmy here has been waiting for all of you."

"Emmy!" Flora and I were surprised.

Emmy stood up and gave us both a hug, "Luke! Flora! It has been a while; you haven't changed at all though." She chuckled. I would have too but… "What's wrong Luke? And where's the Professor?" I just knew she would ask that. She also noticed my bare head.

"I'm sure the Professor will be back soon." I lied again. In the Professor's state it would be a miracle if he had arrived now.

"Hmm…" Has she found me out? "Is the professor swarmed by the media again? He did save London from being destroyed." I sighed in relief.

"Don't worry Emmy." I lied to her, "I'm sure he'll be back." I forgot about the media… I just hope Professor won't be caught by them. "I'm going to head up now. Come on Flora!" Flora followed me as I climbed the stairs to the Professor's flat.

Inside, I opened the door using the spare key he kept under a puzzle he had placed near the door. I opened the lights and sat on the couch. Hoping all will go well now…

"Luke!!!"Well… maybe not. Flora was furious at me for dragging her all the way from the street , "You better explain me why did you do that to me, NOW!!!" She stomped her foot loudly.

I sighed. I may as well tell her. It is ungentlemanly to just drag a lady around without an explanation.

"You see…" I started. I told Flora what had happed at that alley, and how the professor was reacting to all of this, and how the farewell was done. Flora started to cry midway through my story. I guess I was as well, I felt a tear ran down my cheek as I continued telling the tale.

I let out a deep sigh as I had finished telling everything to Flora.

"Poor Professor…" Flora said sobbing, "He didn't deserve for this to happen to him. It was all the Prime Minister's fault!" I agree with her.

"Does that mean he's still crying? Outside, in the snow?" I nodded. I couldn't agree more "Luke! We have to get him now! Didn't Rosa say the snow will be intense today?" I didn't move nor uttered a word "Luke! LUKE!!!"

"Flora…" I started, "We can't…"


"Because we… we just can't!!" Flora was surprised when I raised my voice at her.

"Claire said that a gentleman is supposed to stay strong." It was still clear to me, "But… But…" Tears started to form in my eyes again. I wiped them with my sleeve. "But… I… I don't know how to stay strong…." I just let them flow out of my cheeks. Flora kept listening to me, "I guess the Professor is thinking about that too." It's hard being a gentleman.


I didn't know what time I fell asleep. But I woke up while Flora and Emmy shaking me.

"Wake up Luke! Wake up!" They kept on shaking me, back and forth.

I groaned, lifting myself off the couch. I saw Emmy, Flora, and Rosa in front of me. "The Professor is back!" Rosa said while turning her head to his room.

"He suddenly appeared knocking at the door" Emmy continued, "He was covered in show and was holding his hat. But when we tried to talk to him, he won't answer us." The Professor did come back, "He was just silent, and continued walking upstairs to his room." Professor…

Then, I noticed a blanket beside me. Did the Professor gave me this?

I stood up and walked towards his room. I opened the door and saw the Professor, lying at his bed, his hat on the floor, and holding a piece of paper. I approached him and saw beside his face, a picture. I was surprised by what I saw.

I smiled. I guess the Professor did stay strong.

I used his blanket to cover him. I walked back towards the door, and closed the lights, "Good night… Professor" I closed the door.

I sighed in relief.

Flora asked me, "How is he?"

I looked her and smiled, "He's fine Flora, and he's just tired so let's not disturb him. Okay?" Flora was happy to hear that news, I guess she understood what I mean by he is fine.

"What just happened?" Emmy asked. Should I tell them? "You've all acted strange today…"

"I agree with Emmy" Rosa had gotten worried. "From what we've both seen in these past few hours, it is obvious something had happened." Should they know what happened after the Professor had saved London from destruction?

I guess there's no use in hiding it, especially to Emmy.

"Well… you see…" I started.

"It all started like this…" I did tell them everything that has happened, from that letter, Future London, the Time Machine, Clive and the others, That huge mobile fortress, and Claire. I kept on talking about it; I didn't even take the time to see their reactions, only when I was done with my side of the story.

"I… I can't believe it!" Emmy said angrily, "I can't believe our Prime Minister would do such a thing!" I'm usually scared of Emmy when she gets angry, but somehow not this time.

"It is no surprise now that Dimitri person and Clive would go through all of this to get revenge" Rosa said. She's right. "Poor Professor, if that explosion never happened." That's what I thought too… "He would have been living happily with Claire…" That got me thinking…

What if that explosion never did happen? What would happen to me? To all of us here? Would the professor be really happy if that accident never happened?

"Everything…"the so-called "Future Layton", Dimitri Allen, changed the tone of his voice.  He really is obsessed with Time Travel, "You see, like you, Hershel, I loved Claire." Claire… The Professor never mentioned anyone named Claire. But, Dimitri just implied that the Professor loved her… Just who is she anyway?

"So, you intend to travel back through time and save her?" The Professor asked Dimitri. I don't really understand what was going on in here. I knew, though, this "her" they were talking about was this woman named Claire.

"Surely you wouldn't stop me." From what you did to his good name? Never! "After all, haven't you wished for this yourself?" What?! The Professor would never… But then again, if Dimitri is right about the Professor loving this Claire lady...

The Professor got quiet all of the sudden. I didn't understand…

Then he finally spoke, "Nothing can excuse the kidnapping of all of those scientists." He's right! "Not even this Dimitri." Wait… I'm confused. If the Professor loved this Claire lady… then…

"I guess fate is just really cruel…" I said to them, "… for a number of reasons" If that explosion never happened the Professor would have never met me, or Emmy, or Rosa, or Flora. I'm always happy that I have met him and everyone else. I just never knew that behind all of this was a terrible tragedy 10 years ago…

"Anyway…" Flora seemed to understand what I meant, "We should try and give the Professor some space then…"

Rosa nodded, "Yes… But I am sure the Professor will do his best to smile… for all of our sakes..."

I should do the same… but… I have to leave soon.

"Hey! Luke…" Emmy interrupted my thoughts, "As, the Professor's assistants… we should cheer him up" Normally, Emmy would only include herself. But this time…

I nodded in agreement, "Yeah!" and then I yawned, "But maybe tomorrow… I'm sleepy…"

"Then, I'll go and find an inn then" Emmy turned away and started to walk, "I'll be back tomorrow."She stopped at the door and said to me, "It's amazing that you're staying strong after all of this Luke… But then again, you have to be," Me? I stayed strong? But …from what I just did a few hours ago…  Emmy chuckled, "Of course you did… After all, isn't that what a gentleman does?" That surprised me… "You've really grown up Luke. I congratulate you for that." Then, she stepped out of the flat and left.

Rosa added to Emmy's statement, "We'll never know what the future will give us." She's right. I have to leave soon, away from Rosa, Emmy, Flora, and the Professor. I might even miss Don Paolo, wherever he is right now. "But we just have to stay positive, smile, and move on." I know that. I really do. "I'm sure that's what the Professor did after that dreadful accident." I should do the same. "Because, right now, they have all of you here to be with." I finally smiled. I know I was going away, but just hearing that, made me realize that the Professor cares for all of us. No matter the situation or puzzling the case may be.

"I should go then, Luke." Rosa must have noticed my smile, "I'll see you in the morning. I'll make sure to make some of those delicious pancakes you loved." She then left the flat while closing the door behind her.

Flora spoke to me, "Luke… Are you sure the Professor is all right? I mean after what happened and his behaviour when he came inside was…"

"Nothing to worry about Flora" I interrupted her. I sat on the couch, "Remember, that the Professor was holding a piece of paper and next to him was a photo?" Flora nodded. "Well, the photo actually was him and Claire 10 years ago… Looking at that, it tells me that tomorrow… it will all be fine. Just as it is supposed to be." Flora was shocked, but still bore that same worried expression. I stood up and headed to my room, "its late Flora. You should get some sleep. Don't worry, okay." I headed to my room to get some well deserved sleep, from all of this crazy adventure.

The Professor was fine the next day. He was all bright and joyful just like he used to. We knew he was masking that pain he had. No one of us even tried to bring up that topic.

It was nice to see Emmy again, we had a very lengthy conversation on the adventures that we had when she left.

The media, of course were like moths on a lamp, they really wanted to know what happened that day. The Professor, as a gentleman, answered all of their questions. But didn't even mention a word about, you know… that thing…

Inspector Chelmey, who found out what actually happened, even about the Professor's last meeting with Claire, had a really shocked reaction; he spilled his coffee at his pants. He was jumping around trying to settle it down, and then Barton came in dosing him all over with water. The Inspector was furious. I couldn't stop laughing! The Professor joined in with me too.

When I started to pack my stuff, I started to remember the adventures we had this past few years. I felt a tear coming down my eye again. Did the professor cry all of his tears when I left? I was thinking that he had held up his sorrow all of those years ago, and that after seeing Claire and being separated from her again. It must have triggered something. But he didn't want anyone, including me, to see it. I didn't bring that topic to Professor anymore because it might be for the best to let him be happy. But, I think… I may be wrong but… I think he did cried. Cried and cried and cried, all of the feelings inside had probably escaped and took over him.

And I'll know you'll stay strong. After all… that's what a gentleman does.

I'll never know what Claire meant at that day, my guess is that….

That being strong, is to cry and continue to stand up and move on.

Because… That's what a gentleman does.
Finally! I was able to finish this part... Sorry that it is long, and if they the characters are OOC.

But I really enjoyed writing this. This is what happend after Claire had finally gone back to her own time. But this is an assumption, this never really happend at the game.

If you have any questions or any criticisms please tell me and if you want a scene from the game (only game 3) that you want to see, please let me know, oh and by the way, no stupid stuff or pairings in the requests besides Layton/Claire.


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The Professor Layton series isnt owned by me
© 2011 - 2024 AmeftoDrawer
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